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Thursday, April 22, 2010

CRZ - coastal regulation zone new notification by Government of India-SPECIAL DISPENSATION PROPOSAL FOR KERALA COASAL AREA - 50 METRE. permission for construction in crz area

Kerala – Kerala has one of the most unique coastal environments wherein more
than 300 islands are located within its backwaters. Most of these islands/narrow
land strips such as Maruvkad, Challakadavu, Kandakadavu, Puthanthode,
Kannamaly, Cheriyakadavu and Kattiparambil are thickly populated. The
population density along the coastal areas is around 2,150 persons per sq kms.
These islands have been classified as CRZ-I or CRZ-III as per which no
development can be taken up in case of CRZ-I and in case of CRZ-III between 0-
200mts, it is a ‘No Development Zone’. The entire local communities living in
such areas have been requesting the State and the MoEF to provide relaxation to
take up construction of dwelling units. There are several court cases pending in
this regard. In view of the above difficulties and keeping in view the unique
geographical area of Kerala a special dispensation for coastal stretches of Kerala
is proposed to be provided which will include a 50m ‘No Development Zone’
along all backwater islands


  1. Dear sherry
    Can you inform me Puthenvelikara panchyath included or not in CRZ


  2. Puthenvelikkara Panchayath also included in CRZ guidelines

  3. Is this 50m rule only for back water islands or is it for all coastal areas in Kerala? Thanks Mariakutty

  4. Dear sherry maradu
    Can you inform me vadakkekkra panchayath inculded or not in crz charles

  5. all the coastal areas in kerala are included in CRZ

  6. Hi Sherry,
    In CRZ III on the sea coast does 50 meter or the 200 meter (no development zone) rule apply? Thanks

  7. Hi,

    Is it now official gazette?

  8. It will come in to force after 60 days of publication in official gazette. Published in official gazette 15-9-2010.

  9. Thank you Sherry,

    So we can do construction beyond 50 meters in coastal area? i need to clarify that in that draft mentioned as backwater islands that's why i ask..

    "Content in Draft"
    "Beyond 50mtsfrom the HTL these on the landward side, of these backwater islands
    dwelling units of local communities can be constructed with the permission of the local

  10. Why the heck it is only given to back water island? Why not all the coastal areas?

  11. Hi.
    Is it possible to get some kind of exemption to the crz rules (distance from the htl_) to construct single dwelling unit? if so what is the procedure?

  12. Apply for building permit to the local body. If they reject it mentioning CRZ, move legally by citing Coastal Management Authority also a party. Go thru the CRZ rules linked above.

  13. It is great relief that the Kerala High Court is granting interim orders for genuine cases of CRZ regulations... for construction etc


    In this notification the No development zone reduced from 200 mtrs in HTL to 100 mtrs, Is it only for fishermen or all people...

  15. Dear Sherry, What does "notified port Limit" mean? I live in a municipality that is crz-3 but has a new port being built-to be completed in 2011-2012. How does that affect me - crz-wise? Thanks for all the advice in your blog. MA

  16. Pls mention your requirement. whether construction of a building or renovation or ?

  17. Hi Sherry,

    I had applied for a plan permit to bulid a new house in Kadalundi panchayat in Kozhikode district. The application got rejected saying that the plot falls under CRZ. The plot is approximately 350m from the coastal side. It is rejected saying that the distance is less tahn 500m from the coast.

    Could you please advice is there any other authority i can approach to get the permission as i understand that the current no-development zone is only up 200m from the coast.

    Thank you very much for your valuable advice.

  18. If the rejection is against the CRZ notification, u can obtain an interim order from the High Court. Pls see the provison of special zone, as far as Kerala is concerned. Also note that the notification will come in to force after 60 days from the publication in official gazette.

  19. i have 10 cent plot that was earnd from my mother's sister which is coming under CRZ-3 .and fall b/n 100 and 50m. Which is 18feet higher than sea level.more than 80yrs before our families living there all our lands are there i hav a plan to build house for my self.for that purpose i aproachd dharmadam panchayath secretary for non objection certificate.but they refused it.whether i am eligible to get NOC?,as per the recent highcourt judgement

  20. In CRZ III, you can only make renovations and no new constructions permitted, in your case. Some Benches of HC direct the local body to give U/A number for the time being.
    Also see the provisions for special status of Kerala. A 50 Metre limit is noted there.

  21. Hi sherry,
    I have booked a Flat in the waterfront apartment being constructed by Jain Builders at Maradu. The distance from the waterbody seems to be less than 50mts.I understand that the Municipality has given them permission for this. Is this sufficient? Can I go ahead?>

  22. If the erstwhile panchayath had issued building permit, and completion certificate, then no problem. But in Maradu, recently, some complaints are reached in the Municipality and they are about to act on it!.

  23. What kind of complaints and about which building? What could be the action to be taken? Pl. explain so that I can get some reassurance. Thanks for your quick response

  24. The Maradu Municipality has only one ph. no which keeps ringing but no one picks it up. How can I get more details from them?
    Thanks once again for the great service you are doing to common man

  25. Chairman's Phone Number- 98472 68025

  26. Hi Sherry,

    Is there is any of the panchayath give approval of housing construction by this new CRZ notification.( 100 meter )

  27. Upon orders from HC, permissions are being given.

  28. Sherry. My individual backwater island has a municipality numbered house with tax being paid. It is within 50m. From brakish. Water. What can be done to enlarge this small house. Anywhere on this island maximum distance from high water is 40m. Also your location in kerala please. Sam.

  29. Sherry. My individual backwater island has a municipality numbered house with tax being paid. It is within 50m. From brakish. Water. What can be done to enlarge this small house. Anywhere on this island maximum distance from high water is 40m. Also your location in kerala please. Sam.

  30. You can renovate it by keeping the same number. New constructions are not allowed within the limits

  31. Dear Sherry,
    We have a property in Dharmadam Panchayat facing the estuary of Dharmadam and Erancholi rivers. We have our ancestal property adjecent to this plot. Between the plot and the existing sea wall there is a Panchayat Road (metal) ie. the plot is in the landward side of the Panchayat Road. The plot is about 100 mtr from the side of Sea wall facing the bay.
    My query is
    a) Which CRZ category does Dharmadam fall.
    b) Is it possible to construct a house for dwelling purpose in the above plot.


    1. Though Dharmadam panchayath is an island, it is not a backwater island. At present it is in CRZ III. Only in CRZ II, construction is permissible towards the landward side of the road or existing building line.

  32. It would be very kind of you if I get the details of Kerala State CRZ relaxation.Please mail me the details at

  33. Please give your contact no. To speak personally

  34. Dear sherry,We have a property in edavanakad panchayat. Can I sell that property? I think that property just plot out & sell. But some of them said this property have no sanction to build house. How we know about the rules ? Near this plot, there was a .in the CRZ rules kandam was also inguled?


  36. hello..I am residing in Pavaratty Panchayat in Thrissur District...i have a plot near to Peringad river...i have confusion with the provision in CRZ notification 2011 about CRZ1,2,3,4 and special provision for kerala..which rule is applicable for me?..Special provision for kerala saying that within 50 meters repair is possible and after 50 meters new construction is posible for local community..What are the documents needed to prove the local community?

    1. 50 meters concession available only for backwater islands.

  37. No definition of local community is given in the notification. U apply it through the local body and challenge it if rejected.

  38. Hi Sherry
    I built a 2000 sqft house in Maravanthuruthu Panchayat in 2006 after applying for permission and getting NOC in 2004. The house was givenno residential ownership and taxes also being paid promptly ever since now the Panchayat is asking me to demolish the house based on an enimity due to another matter. I got a stay from the tribunal but how can they do that?
    Can u advice some strategy

  39. Order to demolish on the basis of CRZ notification?

  40. Hello Sir,
    I have an old building which is inside 50 mtr from backwater.Recently some portion of building and land has acquired by govt in connection with construction of a bridge. My problem is how can I extend the building in rest of my land which is under CRZ zone. What are the procedures for that.

    1. Inside 50 metre, only renovation/reconstruction is possible for the existing carpet area.

  41. Hi Sherry,
    Wht 's the CRZ zone of nettoor (Maradu Muncipality) . Is renovation possible for my building in that area.

  42. CRZ III. 100 metres or width of creek/water body whichever is less to be marked as non development zone.

    Likely, Maradu will be changed to CRZ II

  43. HI Sherry

    Please help me to find a proper solution for my issue.

    I have applied for the building permit for extension & reconstruction of my old house.
    After the inspection from the local authority they have said that construction is not possible because of CRZ Act. The reason they said that the plot near to my plot is covered with water in some of the portions. Because of that it should be treated as canal so it is not possible to construct. My plot is loacated at a 162 m difference from the river. But water portion on the other plot is very near to me. Its just only around 3-4 m. Is there any option to get the permission to construct the building.

  44. The width of river/creek or 100 metre whichever is less is the NDZ. No Development Zone.
