
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Directions issued by Madras High Courtto sing Vandematharam in all all Government Offices and Institutions/Private companies/ Factories and industries at least once a Month.

Directions issued by Madras High Court
to sing Vandematharam in all all Government Offices and Institutions/Private companies/ Factories and industries at least once a Month.
The following are the directions issued by the Court:
“(a) The National Song “Vande Matharam” shall be played and sung in all schools/colleges/Universities and other educational institutions at least once a week (Preferably on Monday or Friday);
(b)The National Song “Vande Matharam” shall be played and sung in all Government Offices and Institutions/Private companies/ Factories and industries at least once a Month;
(c)The Director of Public Information is directed to upload and circulate the translated version of “Vande Matharam” in Tamil and English thereby making it available in the Government websites and also in social media;
(d)Let a copy of this order be marked to the Chief Secretary of the Government of Tamil Nadu, who shall issue appropriate instructions to the concerned authorities;
(e)In the event, any person/organisation has difficulty in singing or playing the National Song, he or she shall not be compelled or forced to sing it, provided there are valid reasons for not doing so.”

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