
Monday, August 18, 2014



Subject:-    Rectification of anomalies in Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2011.

Reference:- CRZ Notification 2011 published in Gazetter of India, Extraordinary, Part-II,                                                 Section 3, Sub section (ii) of date 6th January 2011- Ministry of Environment and Forests.
                  G O No. C 4-9393/13- - Local Self Government Department – Dated 18.8.14
                  This representation is submitted before you, to bring your attention towards the hardships being faced by the Kerala Coastal community in General and Latin Catholics in Particular pursuant to the implementation of CRZ Notification 2011 (Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2011).
                  Obviously, the CRZ Notification was drafted by the Central Government, with a view to ensure livelihood security to the fisher communities and other local communities, living in coastal areas, to conserve and protect coastal stretches, its unique environment and its marine area and to promote development through sustainable manner based on scientific principles taking in to account the dangers of natural hazards in the coastal areas, sea level rise due to global warming and restricts the setting up and expansion of any industrial operations.
                  Though the Notification was with the above said intentions, it resulted in making the lives of Coastal Community in Kerala extreme pathetic. Even the construction of residential houses are banned as per the Notification and the Coastal people cannot use their traditional piece of land accordance to their wish. We hereby point out certain anomalies in the Notification which needs immediate attention and interference warranted from your part.
The anomalies
As per section 7 of the Notification, CRZ  areas are classified in to CRZ I, CRZ II, CRZ III, CRZ IV & Areas requiring special consideration (CRZ V).
In Kerala, all Panchayaths are classified in CRZ III. No construction is possible up to 200 mts from HTL on the landward side in case of seafront and 100 mts along tidal influence water bodies or width of creek whichever is less to be earmarked as No Development Zone. Therefore, even a small house cannot be constructed in this area and the traditional plots owned by the coastal communities cannot be used for constructing their homestead and the right to home is denied.(section 8(i)(III)
Whereas, the Corporation and Municipal areas are classified in CRZ II, wherein the buildings shall be permitted only on landwards side of the exiting road, or on the landward side of existing authorized structures.(section 8 (i)(II)
At the same time, a special category is included as “CRZ for Kerala” and it was notified that, all the islands in backwaters of Kerala shall be covered  under the CRZ notification. 50 mts from the backwaters are treated as CRZ area an no new construction is permitted; except the repair or reconstruction of existing dwelling units of local communities.(section 8(i)(V)(2).
Taking account of the circumstances, Kerala need more relaxations in construction of dwelling houses. And therefore, necessary amendments are to be incorporated in the CRZ Notification 2011 so as to enable the house construction of common man, without any hindrance.
Right to Home
The above said provisions are against the right to home of coastal communities. They cannot construct even a small dwelling unit in their traditional plot if it falls under this CRZ area. Infact, the intention of the Notification was to protect the coastal area and people, this kind of restriction to dwelling units turned this notification as nightmare to the coastal folk. They cannot use their plots for any useful purpose and there is no market value for such land. The Coastal people are deprived of all Government Schemes and benefits for house construction since their plot is in CRZ area.
Amendment sought
In order to rectify the above mentioned anomalies, we kindly request you to amend the Notification so as to enable coastal people a decent living, by protection their right to home.
1.    Amend the clauses in section 8 (i)(II) and section 8(i)(III so as to enable the Construction of residential homes in the CRZ II and CRZ III, especially among the side of backwaters and protect the right to home of people in coastal area in Kerala.
2.    Include all Islands in Kerala under CRZ II category. (So as to enable the constructions towards the landward side of the proposed or existing road or numbered structures)
3.    Direct the State Governments to withdraw the Government Orders and Circulars issued for the strict implementation of CRZ Notification and do not disturb the already issued building numbers.
4.    Include special housing schemes and projects for thickly populated area in Kerala without any CRZ restrictions. Permit the house constructions of at least 2000 Sq Feet.
5.   The small streams, canals and such water bodies which are influenced by tidal water are now included in CRZ; it need to be amended. Small streams etc with less than 20 metre width need to be excluded from CRZ.
6.   Taking account of the density of population, construction towards the landward side of the existing structures need to be permitted.
Proposal submitted by
Sherry J Thomas, Advocate,
19-8-2014                                                                                       Infant Jesus Building, Banerjee Road,
Kochi-31. Email:

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