
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Traffic checking by police...DGP again issued circular due to complaints of harassments..

No: U1/17273/2012
Police Headquarters,
Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram,
Dated:  28/03/2012.
Circular No. 06/2012
Sub:- Detection of Traffic Offences- Use of Digital Equipments and
Avoidance of Complaints of Harassment – Instructions – Issued -reg.
It is seen that Officers are not adequately utilising the various equipments
supplied to them for detecting traffic offences. Most MV Petty cases are still seen
detected through traditional methods after stopping several vehicles simultaneously in
a queue, summoning drivers with papers and detaining commuters for a long time on
the road.
02. It is hereby directed that detection of traffic related cases by digital means
should be resorted to wherever possible. Equipments like digital camera, traffic
surveillance camera, mobile phone cameras, hand held video cameras, alcometers,
speed radars etc which are supplied to the Police Stations/ Circles should be used more
often to detect offences. This will not only provide us with proof which could be sent to
offenders while asking them to remit fines but also ensure that police do not have to
enter into unnecessary arguments with vehicle drivers. The e-chalan system, which is
being successfully used in Thiruvananthapuram City, can be extended later to other
cities also, to enable payment compounding fee at banks without coming to the Police
03. Similarly, pedestrian safety can be ensured by making the footpaths free from
obstruction of any sort. Any vehicle found parked on footpaths can be charge sheeted
after digitally recording the offence so that we have substantial proof with us when we
take legal action. Obstructions such as piling of metal, sand, pipes, merchandise,
timber or any such material on the footpath will force a pedestrian to walk on the road
which is dangerous to him. All such obstructions can be prevented and violators
penalized by taking digital photographs of such obstructions and taking further action.
04. All officers are directed to strictly ensure maximum use of digital technology
while detecting MV offences. It is also decided that to encourage use of technology by
police personnel. The SPs/CPs may review adoption of modern technology for
detection of offences and reward those SI/ASI/SCPO/CPO who have taken significant 2
volume of action through adoption of technology. In suitable cases, reward rolls may
be sent up to IGPs/ADGPs and the State Police Chief also.
05. All officers are also instructed to ensure the compliance of the following
instructions, while conducting checking for traffic related Motor Vehicle offences, which
had been issued at different times earlier:-
a. Only one vehicle will be stopped for traffic offence checking at a time.
b. After the vehicle is stopped, the driver shall not be required to get down
from the vehicle, unless such action is necessary to detain him or arrest him
in connection with an offence.
c. No driver will be asked to get down from the driver’s seat and come with
records to an officer who is sitting far away from the vehicle under check.
d. As far as possible, only those vehicles which are seen to be violating any law
should be stopped: that is to say, the detection of the offence should
preferably be by observing the vehicle and driver in motion and not by
checking the records after getting the vehicle stopped to examine whether
there is any violation.
e. Violations relating to helmet wearing should be regularly and continuously
done in every district at pre-announced and well-earmarked fixed points.
The points should be specially chosen and located at different places to
cover all major routes. The objective is not to catch people by surprise, but
to educate people in safety habits by proper enforcement. Enforcement must
serve this larger purpose also. Pre announced and fixed check points with
proper markings will motivate higher rate of compliance than random
unannounced surprise checking.
f. No Two-wheeler rider should be pursued in a “hot chase” for “booking” him
for not wearing a helmet.  
06. All SPs/CPs will explain this Circular to all officers in their monthly Crime
Conference and see that the instructions are implemented in proper spirit to ensure
greater traffic safety and greater compliance with rules.
      All Officers in list 'B'
Copy to : All CAs in PHQ/All Section Heads in PHQ
     "      : Manager, AO, SFO
     "      : Circular Book & SF

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