
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Revaluation of answer sheets - speedy valuation is a right guaranteed under the Constitution of India. How to get revaluation results easier--earliest?

The revaluation of answer sheets are always a hurdle for the students in Kerala, especially those who are studying for BTech Degree Courses. The undue delay in evaluation diminishes the opportunity of students to get placement in 7th and 8th Semesters. Most of the companies offer opportunities, with a chance to clear the back log on previous semesters. But even after appearing supplementary examinations and even some times applying for revaluation, the undue delay from the University is really a head ache for the students.
However, those who can afford a Writ Petition in High Court of Kerala are able to get the results in a time bound manner. The right to get the revaluation result in time is the fundamental right of a student.

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