
Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to lodge complaint against police officers- police complaint authority in Kerala

Any individual can lodge complaint against police officers in Kerala to the Police Complaint Authority.
If the complaint is against a police officer higher in rank than DYSP, the complaint is to be lodge before the State Authority in Trivandrum. The other complaints are to be filed in District Police complaint authority.


  1. Hi,

    I had a really bad experience from a near by police station. Two of my friends along with me were caught from
    my friends house at around 10 pm.
    We were having drinks. I guess it is not an offence to have drinks from a friends house. But unfortunately after some time police came and took us to police station.
    When i asked why i was brought to police station[and on what charge], they called me many bad words.I didn't know what to do. I haven't even heard of these words before
    Sir, you don't know how much it hurt me. They also gave me a slap on my hand.Initially they asked me to call some of my friends. After some time they took my phone and
    asked us to stay at the police station the whole night. They charged some case against me and my friend. After an hour they let me go.

    How can i raise complaint against this police officer? Will there be any use in that or just waste of time?

  2. It seems that the offence charged against you will be under section 118 a of Kerala Police Act.
    When you get summons from court, you can contest the matter.
    You can also file private complaint the police for illegal detention and for using obscene language.

  3. By private complaint, you mean to "police complaint authority" or to state human rights commission.

  4. complaint under section 190 200 of Crpc..before the magistrate court
